Monster Maker!

Unfortunately HTML Canvas is not supported in this browser. Here's a consolation dragon to make up for it...

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Make a Monster!

Unfortunately HTML Canvas is not supported in this browser.


What is Monster Maker?

Monster Maker is a super simple game for kids.

It allows you to mix-and-match monster heads, torsos and legs in lots of fun combinations. You can even create your own monsters, export them and import new monsters (600x750px).

How to use Monster Maker

It's played in a browser. Just tap or click on the body part! The recommended way to play is with a tablet but it works well in any modern browser.

If you have an Apple iOS device, you can add it to your "Home Screen" so it can be accessed via an icon on your device. Simply open this site using the Safari browser on your device and select "Add to Home Screen" from the options menu.

How to Support Monster Maker

Monster Maker is completely free but small donations are appreciated and help fund maintenance. The Ko-Fi site linked below allows you to make a small contribution. Thank you for your support!